Tuesday, September 29, 2015

We Are White Rabbits

Do you agree with the title above? White Rabbit?

For those who doesn't know, I'm one of the 80s baby.

*High five 80s babies*.

I grew up with Disney cartoons especially the movies like Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel and ectera. I guess that's why I love US TV Series, Once Upon A Time. (First episode for Season 5 is already out and I'm gonna watch it later).

Emma Swan turns dark

Saper yang familiar dengan Alice in the Wonderland (the cartoon ya walaupun 2010 movie still ada White Rabbit) knows which White Rabbit I'm referring to.

There he is.... The White Rabbit
Tak sangka pulak masa kecik dulu selalu ajuk White Rabbit ni with his famous phrase "I'm late! I'm late!" then bila dah besar betul-betul dah jadi macam White Rabbit especially during weekdays. Yup, I'm talking about Monday to Friday.

Kenapa I samakan karektor White Rabbit ni dengan kita? Let's look at his character.

  • Constantly chasing the time
  • Constantly checking the time
  • Always rushing here and there
  • Always telling people that he's late
Let's do the checklist

I think these character is quite sufficient.... more or less. Then just check with yourself.

  • Do you constantly chasing the time? (office hour, meeting, deadlines)
  • Do you constantly checking the time? (office time, lunch hour time, other personal errand that also will take your time)
  • Do you always rushing here and there? (same as above. You don't want to be late for office, meeting or deadlines)
  • Do you always telling people that you're late? (or gonna be late)
  • If the answer is yet then you are The White Rabbit.

Just see how people rushing to work everyday during peak hour. How people are rushing from ERL to LRT and constantly checking the time cause.. well, we don't want to be late. Even during lunch hour, we have to rush so that we can get back to office on time.
But then, not everyone is the White Rabbit.

Ada ramai jugak yang tak peduli. Pergi balik kerja ikut suka hati. During office hour, they don't mind sneaking out doing personal errand. They just go with the flow. Tak terkejar-kejar dalam kehidupan seharian. Most of the time, they are eating. Breakfast? Hilang. Lunch? Hilang. Tea time? Hilang. Balik kerja, eh dah hilang? Most of the time jarang ada kat meja. Definitely not the White Rabbit. More like having Tea Party with the Mad Hatter.

Well, not going to say more.

I think this hectic environment usually more to city culture. Especially in KL. First time in KL, I selalu tengok orang sekeliling I berjalan laju. Macam semua terkejar-kejar nak pergi somewhere. Lama kelamaan, dengan I sekali berjalan laju. Especially bila I dah kerja dan kena tukar dari train lain ke train lain untuk ke office. My sister used to make fun of me sebab I berjalan laju terkejar-kejar ke sana ke sini. Now she's one of us and sometimes even faster than me. Semua nak cepat. Well, we are racing against time. Perasan tak masa berlalu cepat sangat sekarang ni. Melainkan korang memang jenis tak sibuk memang lambat la nak tunggu masa balik kerja.

Stress kan pergi balik kerja asyik jem.

Whether you agree with me or not, it's up to you. Everyone entitled to their own opinion. But then, just look around you everyday. We are the White Rabbit. Are you?

*Pst* If you are on of the White Rabbits and need energy booster, I can recommend Multivitamin and ESP for you. Check out my Caramell Healthcare blog ya.

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